Yellow Hats in Ganden

Tibet, Ganden Monastery, East of Lhassa.

Outside, the cold, by around 4300m height. 

Heavy curtains made of yak's wool act as a gate, to enter in the room where all the monks are gathered around their Lama.

Pushing the curtains, smoothness of the sense of touch. 

Slightly higher indoor temperature.......

Warmth felt essentially through the eyesight, by the colors of draperies, tapestries and carpets.

Sense of hearing touched by the monks singing. A crystalline melodic line staying very high above continuous deep voices.

Sense of smell hit by the flavour of incense, and by candles burning in the yak butter.


Nikon D800 - AF-S 14-24mm

24mm - 1/40 - f2.8 - ISO 2000






Yellow Hats in Ganden